Protein production and purification from OET
Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd (OET) is a name that you can trust within the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. We offer a range of services including optimisation of expression and amplification of a virus, and once those process have taken place, we can then produce rout protein within insect or mammalian cells. We also offer protein purification services too. Find out more by getting in touch with our trusted team.

Protein purification and production within insect or mammalian cells

Here at OET we have over 15 years experience in the production and purification of a wide range of proteins, which has been used for a combination of R&D projects, activity assays, diagnostic work, vaccine development and more!
At OET we specialised in using the baculovirus expression system with either Sf9, Tni or our own SfC1B5 cells, however we also have experience with other expression systems involving mammalian and bacterial cells.
For all our contract service work we tailor our methods to your requirements to ensure we maximise both the purity and yield using a wide range modification;
The vector, promoter, cell line, multiplicity of infection and time of harvest is carefully optimised to maximise the protein yield for your target. See our ‘Test and Optimisation Expression” Service page to find out more.
We can produce quantities from just 1 litre (or less) all the way up to 40 litres.
We implement a range of purification methods including but not limited to;
affinity, ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography.
We also have an increasing portfolio for the expression and purification of
Virus-Like-Particles (VLP), using methods such as affinity chromatography
and/or ultracentrifugation to isolate the VLPs. We also have the expertise and
facilities to image the VLPs using transmission electron microscopy.
To view an step by step example of protein purification of eGFP using our pOETeGFP Sf9 reporter plasmid then click here

To find out more about protein production and purification services, contact Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd.

Bioinnovation Hub (Tonge Building) Gipsy Lane Campus,
Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP
+44 (0) 1865 536808