Transfer Vectors
OET’s range of baculovirus transfer vectors are designed for high level expression of foreign genes in both insect and mammalian cell lines. Our pOET transfer plasmids are ideal for use with the flashBAC™ and BacPAK6 baculovirus expression systems but are also fully compatible with other homologous recombination technologies

Single Expression Vectors
Baculovirus transfer vector designed for high level expression of foreign genes under the powerful AcMNPV polyhedrin (polh) promoter or p6.9 promoter, which provides earlier expression.

Dual Expression Vectors
pOET5.1 (cat# 200106) (10ug) is a dual promoter baculovirus transfer vector designed for high level expression of two foreign genes simultaneously under the powerful AcMNPV polyhedrin (polh) promoter and the very late p10 promoter.
BacMAM Expression Vectors
Baculovirus transfer vectors containing a mammalian-specific gene promoter flanked by sequences that facilitate homologous recombination with the baculovirus genome after co-transfection of insect cells. Using these promoters allows for genes to be expressed in mammalian cell lines (e.g. CHO and HEK) but prevents the baculovirus from replicating
If you are looking to purchase baculovirus products or research kits and would like more information about Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd, please get in touch.

Bioinnovation Hub (Tonge Building) Gipsy Lane Campus,
Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP
+44 (0) 1865 536808