Virus safe deposits and storage from OET
Oxford Expression Technologies (OET) Ltd provide products, services and consultancy to the global pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Our secure laboratories are based in Oxford, and we are a world-renowned centre of excellence for baculovirus protein expression. We work with many partners and as part of our service we offer secure virus safe deposit and storage solutions. Get in touch to find out more.

Keep virus stocks safe and secure for future use.

Safe storage of valuable virus stocks for future use is often of paramount importance! A virus safe deposit can put your mind at rest.
OET offers a comprehensive virus safe deposit facility, with an accompanying expression testing service. Initially we will produce a batch of high titre virus inoculum. This will then be titrated by plaque assay and expression tested by Western blot. Forty virus ampoules will then be prepared for –80°C storage and twenty of these sent to ECACC (European Collection of Cell Cultures) for long-term safe storage. The remaining twenty samples will be stored at OET. One frozen ampoule of the virus will then be retrieved after one month’s storage, thawed and the virus titrated by plaque assay. Protein expression will then be confirmed by Western blot.
The samples are stored, and expression tested on a yearly basis. Contact our trusted team to find out more.
For further details regarding virus storage and virus safe deposits contact Oxford Expression Technologies Ltd.

Bioinnovation Hub (Tonge Building) Gipsy Lane Campus,
Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP
+44 (0) 1865 536808